
About Me

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Ahmed Aboulmagd Abdelhmid 
Fine Art & Conseptual Photographer | Based in Egypt


It was in college when i noticed i was creative. I would make short films literally about nothing in particular with my friends. As time went on i realized this itch to create will never go away and will always need to be scratched. I would even notice it in my day job as an computer engineer.

A long time admirer of Art, i decided to try out photography to try to satisfy that creative itch. Once i edited my first photo i fell in love. Being a geek i of course loved the gear and the technical aspect of Photography but at the same time i found i can express, what i like to call, Authentic Beauty.

I always try to bring out the authenticity of things that are often hiding in front of our eyes. A simple cup of tea can be just that or it can be a 15 minute time out to slow down and take a breath. Finding this authentic beauty is what i love doing.

To know more about how i got into Fine Art Photography check out this blog Post.

Authentic Beauty is often right in front of your eyes