
Fasting Thoughts

Fasting is much more than a hunger, thirst, or a humbling religious practice for me. It is a slow journey of self-reflection that often reaches a spiritual state. Some days your mind is all over the place, other days it is completely empty. You can see this in some of the photos I took during this project.

"Hands of Ramadan" - Day 1

We use the same hands to pray, eat, drink, and distract ourselves during Ramadan. No matter who you are, your hands are doing the same things as millions of others during this time. Be grateful for your Ramadan Hands.

"Coffee Power" - Day 2

It starts off your day and gives you that spark that lights the rest of your energy, but you have to be careful. Sometimes coffee can turn into a dependency that can turn into an addiction. Never underestimate the power of coffee.


"Abstract Thinking" - Day 3

The definition of abstract is “existing in thought or as an idea but not having a physical or concrete existence”. Therefore, abstract painting and photography is harder than most people think. The artist is trying to depict an image that does not have an immediate association with an object. Abstract thinking is subjective in itself.


"Grateful Tech" - Day 4

There are some things you can’t live without but while you are thinking of your phone or computer, there are other creations you should appreciate that lead to inventions like your phone and computer. Eyeglasses, Electricity, and shoes are some innovations I am thankful for. Which tech are you grateful for?

"Emotion" - Day 5

Smiles, frowns, and anger are a few emotions that can be represented in many different forms. Then again art is subjective which makes the form ambiguous in what it is trying to say. What do you see?

"Inner Shadows" - Day 6

You can learn a lot from a shadow, how tall, smooth, or far something is. However, you can stretch it, squeeze it, shape it, or hide it. Like our shadows, our inner desires follow us. Don’t be afraid of your inner shadows.

"RGB" - Day 7

I always said great things come in threes. Its mind blowing, every color you can visibly see in nature is made of these three colors. How you combine them and at what level determines how you will perceive new colors in life. What’s your favorite RGB?

"Slice" - Day 8

When you get up close to something and focus on a tiny part it reveals a whole new world and experience. Surfaces you thought were smooth have divots, objects you thought were whole are made up of tiny little slices that come together and become whole.


"Your Red Balloon" - Day 9

Everyone has a balloon full of passion inside them that they are blowing up to the size they want. It can infinitely stretch. The dangers are all external. The bigger it gets the harder it is to protect. Do your best to make it as big as you want and always…. always protect your Red Balloon... your passion.

"A silhouette story" - Day 10

Sometimes the best stories are not the ones shown to you but are the ones that leave it to your imagination to fill in the gaps. Take a breath and enjoy these silhouette stories.

"Eyebrows" - Day 11

We think emotions are in the eyes but they are actually expressed through the eyebrows. If you could not see someone’s mouth, you can still tell what emotion they are conveying. Go ahead, try to express an emotion without your eyebrows.

"Barber Shop" - Day 12

It's a quiet place where you can get away for a few moments. A place where it takes sharp tools to make you feel lighter. You leave a bit of yourself there but don't regret it. It's a great feeling to walk out of the barber shop with a fresh new haircut.

"Portions by Cast" - Day 13

Hunger is something no one should ever experience yet depending on your socio-economic class starvation is a real possibility. Irrespective, be grateful for the portion by cast.

“Act as if” - Day 14

Hate and evil in this world exist only because we allow it. When you see it and act as if you didn’t! When you hear it and act as if you misheard! When you speak it and act as if it is normal! Occasionally you do this out of fear, at times out of Ignorance but in the end you are allowing it because courage and knowledge is something you can find and you act as if…..

“In The Red” - Day 15

It’s one of those days. Nothing is going right. Things falling apart. Trying to stay positive. Nothing is working! The little things are getting to me now! In the red now! About to explode!

“Distractions” - Day 16

With all the advancements in technology, the interruptions around us are endless. Ever since COVID these distractions can even be in the same room with us the whole day. Hope you are managing your time well and keeping these distractions at bay.

"Greens” - Day 17

Although they provide the essential oxygen we need to breathe, greens are often ignored, mistreated, and cut down. Nature is resilient, if only we would leave it alone to create a GREENs world.

"Self-Destructive" - Day 18

We get in our own way all the time. Hold ourselves down because we think it is the right thing to do, because it is what is expected. The death of our dreams by our own hands. It's time for your head and heart to align to dominate your self-destructive predispositions.

"Marriage" - Day 19

“Marriage” – Two people come together to form a union. In the ups and downs they stay together by giving each other support. Enjoying each other as long as there is Friendship.

"Easter" - Day 20

It’s a religious holiday that is shared and celebrated by different races and creeds all over the world. Bringing people together along with some chocolate bunnies🐇. Don’t forget the symbolism and the why behind this holiday. Have a happy Easter.

"Sound Consumption" - Day 21

It is funny how noise in a specific order can sound so good to us. Different pitches, tone and Speed can convey different emotions. Often taken for granted it's what makes some of your favorite movies so impactful. No matter how you consume these sequenced sounds they are frequently taken for granted.

"Imaginary Barter" - Day 22

The foundation of every economy yet it so fragile. We give value to metals, papers, and plastic. Its perceived value is much higher than its material worth. Before the concept of money, we used to trade, it wasn't the most efficient way but it was tangible. Today the crypto currencies are taking trade to another level of an imaginary barter system. Consequences yet to be seen.

"Motion of History" - Day 23

An infinite number of ways things can move. Its story is documented in its past. Which direction will you move your history to?

"Moral Dilemma" - Day 24

Morality is not always clear as black and white. One's beliefs are affected by so many elements...upbringing, culture, experiences.... etc. For every moral dilemma there is always someone who will believe the opposite.

"Time Swell" - Day 25

It is completely out of our control, and it has a hold on us all. The overachiever chases after it, the delusional fight it. Treat it like a wave, when the right one comes along ride that time swell to the MAX!

"Fire Within" - Day 26

The smallest amount of it provides light. We use it to cook our food and harness its energy to run our homes. Some of us have inner fire. That fire within can light our path, fuel our drive and flame our passion.

"World of texture" - Day 27

Art is not only made up of colors and shapes. There is beauty in the simplistic chaos of a pattern that we regularly touch every day. Bumpy...smooth... rough... are the surfaces around us. Take a moment and really look and appreciate the world of texture.

“The Nose Knows” – Day 28

The power of smell is incredible. It saves you from eating rotten food. It plays a big part in taste. It is even more powerful in animals IDing their friends and enemies. The nose knows more then you think.

"Beauty of the road" - Day 29

While driving you don't notice much of the scenery. Sometimes even the passengers don't notice the beauty of the road.

"Piece Of The Puzzle" - Day 30

When things get crazy and hectic, take a deep breath. No mater how strange, bad or upside down things get there is always simplicity in breaking things down and zooming in on one piece of the puzzle.